155,000 Xbox 360 HD-DVD Drives Sold


The UK edition of CNET pressured Microsoft into revealing some Xbox 360 HD-DVD drive sales figures. While they didn’t get a global tally, they did learn MS hass moved 155,000 units in the US since the November launch… Which strikes me as a large number, indeed. And probably why we rarely see discounts on this accessory.

I’ve debated picking one up, though I’ve managed to resist the urge thus far. I figure, as expensive as those $6 HD Marketplace movie downloads are, the amount of interesting content won’t come close the $200 drive price tag any time soon. Besides, everyone’s telling me Blu-ray has won.

(via Boy Genius)

3 thoughts on “155,000 Xbox 360 HD-DVD Drives Sold”

  1. 150,000 a big number?? less than 3% attach rate, is very low indeed.
    i bet my nuts, the are millions of wireless controller sold.
    of course because the low sales, now you can find many with huge discount, i just check the price in sams, it was 79, less that half original price, and have not in sale for half a year. no one is buying it anymore, they reach 150,000 months ago.

  2. You know, I tried to cash in on that $79 Sam’s deal a month or three back… but it wasn’t available online or via my local Club. Still don’t know what that was all about.

    I agree the attach rate is low, but it equals the amount of stand-alone HD-DVD player sales and it exceeds the number of stand-alone Blu-ray player sales. Maybe the number isn’t large in of itself, but it’s larger than I would have guessed. Of course, each PS3 has a Blu-ray drive and, as I mentioned above, everyone keeps telling me Blu-ray won. I get it. ;)

  3. Sony’s claim is this; “We have millions of blu-ray players on the market”.
    Studios: Wow, more than 1 million huh? thats more than HD we’re in sony!

    What the studios don’t know?
    Every single HD-dvd player was bought with the intent to play HD-DVDs and nothing else. the “Millions of blu-ray players” were absolutely NOT. Most ps3 owners don’t even care about Blu-ray. Some do, but not a whole lot. EVERY single HD addon was bought for movies, and nothing else.

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